This process begins on day 7.
Remove the brisket from the plastic bag and wash off as much of the dry cure rub as you can with running water. Put the brisket in a large container, fill it with water and soak the meat for 30 minutes. Dump out the water and repeat the soaking process one more time. Pat the brisket dry with paper towels.
Mix together the ingredients for the cooking rub then coat the entire brisket with all of the rub. Again, coat the top, bottom and sides.
Following the smoking directions that came with your grill or smoker, heat it to 225° F. (see notes). Add the wood chunks and wait until they ignite and produce smoke. Put in the brisket, fat side up, and smoke until it is 165° F. in the thickest part of the meat. This process can take approximately 4-6 hours, Remove the meat from the grill or smoker, wrap it in heavy duty aluminum foil and let it rest for 2 hours.
At this point in time, you can refrigerate it overnight and steam it the next day or proceed right to the steaming process.